The Right Turn - Bridging the Generation Gap

Book Description: In a world of ever-evolving traditions and rapid societal changes, the clash between generations is a common narrative. “Why are you so outdated?” meets “Why won’t you adapt to the new age?” These questions, often answered with more questions, perpetuate the cycle of misunderstanding between parents and their children. The result is a generation gap that seems impossible to bridge.

About the Book: “The Right Turn” by Vaishali Deshmukh delves into this intricate problem of miscommunication between two generations. It’s a story that explores the universal challenge of connecting with the past while embracing the present. At the heart of this narrative is Gautami, a college student on the cusp of adulthood, who labels this lack of communication as a generation gap.

Gautami’s journey through the joys, sorrows, and dilemmas of life takes center stage, and it’s her story that forms the backdrop for this narrative. However, her mother, Kavita, steps in as the bridge, offering wisdom and perspective through engaging anecdotes from her own life. As Gautami navigates the winding road of growing up, Kavita becomes her compass, guiding her through life’s twists and turns.

“The Right Turn” is a heartwarming tale that emphasizes the importance of understanding, communication, and empathy between generations. It shows that while the times change and challenges evolve, the essence of human connection remains timeless.

Join Gautami and Kavita on their journey of bridging the generation gap in “The Right Turn.”