Social Work Portfolio

Vaishali is a passionate advocate for social justice and equity. Through her social work, she have made a significant impact on the lives of others, particularly those who are marginalized and underserved.

This page showcases a sample of Vaishali Deshmukh’s social work portfolio. The featured projects highlight their commitment to making a difference in the world, one person at a time.


The main reason behind the Avishkar Initiative is : Indian parents and teachers often place unrealistic expectations on students, which can lead to stress and anxiety. Vaishali Deshmukh, a leading educator, believes that it is important to focus on developing students’ skills and talents, rather than simply pushing them to meet these expectations.

Zilla Parishad School, Kavha

Vaishali Deshmukh, a leading educator and philanthropist, donated school bags, books, and other educational appliances to the needy students of the Zilla Parishad School in Kavha. The donation was made in the presence of all the members of the school committee board.

Shivai Pratishthan, Latur

The dedication of a young woman from Tandulja, Latur district, who has taken care of children who have lost their parents to suicide, moved the audience to tears. She has been providing them with love, support, education, and care. In recognition of her social work, she was presented with a check for 25,000 rupees. The occasion was a felicitation ceremony organized by the Shivai Pratishthan for Meera Kadam, founder of the Sevasadan in Hingoli.


Vaishali Deshmukh the director of Kaushalya Academy, organized a “Mommy’s School” at the community hall on Sunday with the motto of “Try your best to shape your children.”

Vijay Sonavane from Mumbai guided the participants on what to keep in mind while shaping their children and how to make full use of new technologies. A quiz was also conducted on the topic of “Shamchi Mom 2018,” in which 180 women participated.

A Visit to a Matoshri Vridhaashram

A Visit to a Matoshri Vridhaashram

An Orphanage Visit